


The most expensive real estate transactions in Estonia in 2020

According to the overview by Uus Maa Ärikinnisvara OÜ, regardless of the complicated year, plenty of remarkable sales-purchase transactions were concluded in the Estonian market.

Comparing the structure of the top transactions in previous years, the most remarkable change is the rise of a new segment comprising lease buildings and nursing homes. We believe that such a Western-European trend is continuing, and also in the next years we will see namely changes of ownership of such properties among the most expensive transactions.

The TOP 10 real estate transactions in Estonia in 2020

  1. Municipal buildings of Tallinn – 140 million euros. Those are long-term lease agreements, high-quality tenants and a guaranteed long and secure cash flow. The buildings are located at Raadiku 8.
  2. SEB head office in Tallinn, Tornimäe – 45.75 million euros. It is a long-term lease agreement and also a stable tenant.
  3. K2 commercial building and Priisle business park – 18 million euros.
  4. The former head office of Danske Bank in Narva road, Tallinn – 10.2 million euros.
  5. Kadaka Metsapargi lease building – 10 million euros.
  6. Office 31 at the centre of Tallinn – 8.8 million euros.
  7. Ringtee 65, Tartu – 6.95 million euros. It is the largest real estate transaction outside Tallinn.
  8. Pirita boarding house – 6.2 million euros.
  9. Office of Veho – 5.46 million euros.
  10. Production buildings in Paljassaare – 5.1 million euros. Development area with high potential.


Executive Manager



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